Remember Nothing

Why Remembering Nothing is the best strategy for organization

My best strategy for organizational success is that I remember nothing.

I literally store nothing in my head. (Please no blonde jokes!)

I reserve my brain for more important things like creating.  Why waste this precious resource for little things?

The key is to WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN in one, solid system.

No more stray post-its where you wrote your million dollar idea then lost it.  Or inefficient grocery store trips because you can’t remember what you needed to pick up for dinner. Or hunting for passwords before resetting it for the thousandth time.  Or racking your brain to recall the name of that tailor that so-and-so recommended.

When you get everything out of your head and onto paper, you immediately reduce the MENTAL CLUTTER.  That nagging feeling that you are forgetting something disappears.  In addition, seeing everything written down in a list feels less overwhelming than a miscellaneous number of items swirling around in your head.

You’ve now created space to think, reflect, and create.

However, it is essential that you have a RELIABLE SYSTEM in place.

STEP 1 — DECIDE ON A PLACE where you will store everything.  I prefer Microsoft One Note app for it’s simplicity, however, there are a bazillion options out there.  The modem you choose isn’t as important as consistency is.

STEP 2 — ORGANIZE IT BY CATEGORY so it is easy to navigate.  I prefer the following:  Time, Space, Work, Relationships, Parenting, Fun, Health, Self Care, Finances, Religion/Spiritual.  However, create categories that are intuitive for you.

STEP 3 — TRAIN YOURSELF to start keeping everything in one place.  There is a learning curve when you are forming a new habit.  Be patient with yourself.

STEP 4 — SCHEDULE A DAILY TIME in your calendar to review your notes.  If you never reference them, they are useless.  During this time, schedule your To-Dos, follow up on ideas, purchase items from your Amazon cart, etc.

Once everything is written down in a reliable system, it’s like hitting the pressure release valve.  You can go back to your life and focus on more important things without that sinking feeling that you are forgetting soemthing.

The mental clutter instantly disappears.  It’s magic.

4 hours

How to accomplish 8 hours of work in 4 hours

One of my first jobs was as a chicken mascot.

I worked at a feed store.  I wore a full-body chicken costume, stood by the road holding a sign, and shook my tail feathers to attract people into the store.

Glamorous, I know.

It was a job that was paid by the hour, so time really was money.

Now, as an entrepreneur, I work 4 hours a day.

Before you judge me, I want to point out that, if you currently don’t have solid time management strategies incorporated into your work day, I bet you work a four hour day too.

When I say work, I mean actually working.  In the zone.  No distractions.  Producing a result.  Every single moment of those four hours is PRODUCTIVE.

You may technically work 8 hour days or longer.  However, how much of that time is spent in transition?  Scrolling social media?  On a lunch break?  Looking for documents or files?  Figuring out what to do next?  Daydreaming?  Answering the thousandth email only to arrive back at a full inbox?

I bet a lot.

If you factor in the amount of time during those 8 hours that you are PRODUCTIVELY working, it’s probably not eight.

Unless you are a chicken mascot, it is not about the NUMBER of hours.  It’s about the QUALITY of those hours.

Being organized is a superpower.

Anyone can learn how.

I teach my clients insanely simple strategies to create the RESULTS of an 8 hour workday in 4 hours.  I have a formula for getting in that coveted state of flow every. single. time.

When you are in that zone, you can get more accomplished in one hour than you otherwise would in two.

You don’t have to hope flow happens, you can create it.

I can show you how.  Message me.

Daily Routine

Daily Routines are essential to achieving your goals

Many clients I work with are initially resistant to having a daily routine or schedule.

They think it is going to stifle their creativity or spontaneity.

However, I would bet you an entire box of my beloved sour patch kids that you are not as spontaneous as you think.

We are creatures of habit.  We tend to do the same things at the same time day in and day out on autopilot.

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you already have a daily routine!  But, it’s probably filled with low-value habits that you don’t want to compound:  time on social media, wasted time trying to decide what to do next, mindless TV, eating sour patch kids.

When we work together, we create a daily routine filled with POSITIVE habits that, if repeated daily, will get you to your goal over time.

Daily exercise and healthy meal prep will get you to your weight loss goals.

Ten minutes of daily decluttering will result in a spacious, relaxing home six months from now.

Sending one appreciation text each day will strengthen any relationship you have.  Guaranteed.

Baby steps will get you there and almost feel effortless.  It’s a matter of swapping our the bad and inserting the good.

But, you have to have a daily routine in place!

Once you do, it’s like having your own personal coach guiding you all day long.  It eliminates the opportunity to slip into mindless negative habits.  No more time lost deciding what to do and when to do it.

The next client objection is always:  What if something comes up?

Then throw the routine out the window for the day.  Who cares.  Life can be unpredictable sometimes.

However, most of the time it isn’t.  And most of the time you will be able to follow that routine.  And you will get results.

Message me if you are ready to make a change.

say no

Doing this one thing for ten seconds will literally save you hours of time.

As events are being cancelled everywhere, how many times have you been RELIEVED?

How many times have you been thrilled that you didn’t have to go?

Pay attention to that feeling in your gut.  It is a sign that you should have said NO in the first place.

Saying no is the most effective way to create more time your life.

Look at the math.

SAYING YES – Time spent getting ready + Time spent in transit to and from the event + Time spent at the actual event = HOURS

SAYING NO = Ten seconds.

You want more time?  Stop saying YES when you want to scream NO.

Last time I checked, there was no award for people pleasing.

This is your life.  It is up to you to spend it how you want.  

You can spend it at the event getting blisters in those miserable high heels while you make painful small talk with strangers.  Or you can spend it in your fuzzy slippers sitting in front of your art easel creating the masterpiece that you’ve always know was in you.  Your call.

People will always as of you what is good for their agenda.  There is nothing wrong with this.

What IS wrong is that you aren’t being true to yourself when you say yes to their requests.

So, as our world temporarily comes to a halt, recognize that you’ve been given the gift of time.  The most precious resource.

Use it as an opportunity to reflect on what you say yes to and what you say no to going forward.

Next time you are faced with a decision, ask yourself, “Would I be relieved if this was cancelled?”

Listen to your gut and you will immediately know the answer.

Single Blog Post-2

This is the ultimate productivity hack.

Phone rings.  You answer.

Text tone chimes.  You check.

Kids call.  You come running. (Well, sometimes.  Depends if there is blood.)

We live in a world where there is constant competition for our attention.

One of the biggest obstacles to productivity is DISTRACTION.

Studies show that, with each interruption, it takes a full twenty minutes to get back on track!  That is a lot of wasted time.


This is the ultimate productivity hack to get a lot done in a little chunk of time.

Here’s how it works:

 Step 1.  Get a 60 minute timer.  (Preferably not on your phone because you’ll be putting that away.)

 Step 2.  PLAN your Power Hour.  What is the specific goal that you want to accomplish?  It could be one large task or many five-minute tasks.  Doesn’t matter which, but make sure that you know the result you are trying to produce by the end of the hour.

 Step 3.  Check in with your body.  The emotion you want to feel during this hour is DETERMINED.  You’re about to get sh!$ done!  The way determined looks in the body is straight posture, fast walk, and fast talk.  Get your mind right and allow your body to follow.

 Step 4.  Immediately before you begin, check your texts, voicemail, email, or whatever modem you need to feel like there is nothing urgent waiting for your response at this moment.  Once you feel secure that the world will go on without you for one hour, put away your dang phone!

 Step 5.  Hit start on the timer and GO!  Literally go.  Tackle that project or those tasks one after another.  Don’t stop until the timer goes off!  The urge will come up to check your phone or stop.  Notice it and let it go.  You can do anything for one hour!

When the timer goes off, you’re done.

Sit back and analyze your results.  Did you get more done than you thought you would?  Did you complete some tasks that you had been procrastinating on for awhile?  How do you feel?

Keep this strategy in your back pocket for whenever you need massive results in a short amount of time. 

My whole day is often a series of Power Hours with short breaks in between.

It’s amazing how much you can get done by planning, removing distractions, and getting down to business!

TAKE ACTION:  Try this just once today!  You will be hooked!