I cannot thank you enough. The systems and strategies you taught me instantly made a shift in my mental state. I felt calmer, lighter, and more peaceful. It was worth every penny!"

Tracy Houghham

I was completely overwhelmed with life before I met you. Always felt like I could never catch up. The time invested in setting up new organizational systems has changed my environment and my life!

Ryan S.

I thought I would always be a disorganized person. I cannot believe how easy and intuitive it was to learn your organizational techniques. Now, I feel so on top of things that my family and friends almost don't recognize me. Lol.

Sarah Larkin

Why should you get organized?


Time is our most precious resource.  The only one that is unrenewable.  How much of it are you WASTING because you are disorganized?  According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, we lose 8,700 hours or one YEAR of our lives looking for lost or misplaced things!  What could you do with that extra time?  

— Finally go to the gym and get that rock hard bod

— Feel calm, in control, and caught up

— Write that novel or finish that project

— Be present with your family and friends

— Watch a sunset and fall in love

— Increase your productivity to reach your full potential


Money creates freedom to live life on your terms.  You work long hours only to watch it slip through your hands due to:

— late fees on bills or interest charges on credit cards you forgot to pay

— subscriptions you didn’t even know you had

— food waste due to lack of meal planning

— earning less as a result of distractions due to disorganization


You do NOT have to feel overwhelmed and stressed all the time!  This is not just “how life is.”  Studies have shown that the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) were higher in people who live or work in a cluttered environment!  It is not just about stuff.  Disorganization affects your mental state each and every day. 

In addition, negative THOUGHTs can clutter our mental space as well.  How often do you berate yourself?  Beat yourself up?  Talk unkindly to yourself?  Thoughts are a CHOICE and can be cultivated to inspire and empower you by decluttering those that don’t serve you. 


When you look around, how do you feel?  Every possession you own requires your attention to be cleaned, organized, and cared for.  Each item takes up physical space in your home and mental space in your mind.  Consequently, your physical environment has a direct impact on your mental state.  When your home or work space is organized:

— You automatically eliminate 40% of the housework and time spent cleaning the average home

— Your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, are lower

— You have more time to pursue other things on a Saturday instead of cleaning out the garage (again!)

— It just FEELS good!  Calming, open, and spacious.


What does organizing have to do with relationships?!  Well, people can be clutter too!  Are most of the people in your life by default or have you consciously chosen to surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you?  What about your romantic relationship?  Would you marry your spouse again today or is the union a result of an outdated decision your made long ago?  We are constantly evolving as humans and, as a result, we need to constantly reevaluate those we share our precious time with.  The people in your life require decluttering too! 

If you are surrounded by people you love and adore, do you have the QUALITY TIME to spend with them?  Are you PRESENT in your inactions or distracted?  Being organized in your life allows you to feel caught up, in control and present so you are your BEST SELF when you are with those you love.  


Do you have time to take care of yourself and your health?  Is self-care just a nice idea?  Getting organized creates time in your life for all of these things.  When you are organized, you have time to:

— Get 8 hours of quality sleep nightly

— Meal Plan, prep and cook healthy meals

— Exercise to finally achieve your ideal weight

— Meditate or do Breathwork to reduce your stress levels

— Include Laughter in your daily routine!


Our children do what they see, not what we say.  Are you setting a good example for your children or do they see you flustered, frenzied, and constantly stressed?  When you are organized as a parent, you are able to:

— Easily navigate the morning rush and set a calm tone for their day

— Teach them valuable life-long skills on how to create good habit forming daily routines

— Model the benefits of giving by donating excess clothing and toys they no longer need

— Show them how to effectively organize their space so other people will want to live with them one day! LOL

— Cherish traditions and routines that were celebrated as a family 

on the Blog...

Why Remembering Nothing is the best strategy for organization

My best strategy for organizational success is that I remember nothing. I literally store nothing in my head. (Please no blonde jokes!) I reserve my brain for more important things like creating.  Why waste this precious resource for little things? The key is to WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN in one, solid system. No more stray post-its where you wrote your million

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Podcast: Sneak peek into my exact Daily Routine!

I had the pleasure of being a guest on the “How to Talk to Men” podcast with Tripp Kramer to talk about my favorite subject, minimalism and organization! During our conversation, we delve into a sneak peek of my EXACT daily routine (and why you need one!) and the importance of having a solid note taking system.  And, of course,

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