Why Remembering Nothing is the best strategy for organization

Remember Nothing

My best strategy for organizational success is that I remember nothing.

I literally store nothing in my head. (Please no blonde jokes!)

I reserve my brain for more important things like creating.  Why waste this precious resource for little things?

The key is to WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN in one, solid system.

No more stray post-its where you wrote your million dollar idea then lost it.  Or inefficient grocery store trips because you can’t remember what you needed to pick up for dinner. Or hunting for passwords before resetting it for the thousandth time.  Or racking your brain to recall the name of that tailor that so-and-so recommended.

When you get everything out of your head and onto paper, you immediately reduce the MENTAL CLUTTER.  That nagging feeling that you are forgetting something disappears.  In addition, seeing everything written down in a list feels less overwhelming than a miscellaneous number of items swirling around in your head.

You’ve now created space to think, reflect, and create.

However, it is essential that you have a RELIABLE SYSTEM in place.

STEP 1 — DECIDE ON A PLACE where you will store everything.  I prefer Microsoft One Note app for it’s simplicity, however, there are a bazillion options out there.  The modem you choose isn’t as important as consistency is.

STEP 2 — ORGANIZE IT BY CATEGORY so it is easy to navigate.  I prefer the following:  Time, Space, Work, Relationships, Parenting, Fun, Health, Self Care, Finances, Religion/Spiritual.  However, create categories that are intuitive for you.

STEP 3 — TRAIN YOURSELF to start keeping everything in one place.  There is a learning curve when you are forming a new habit.  Be patient with yourself.

STEP 4 — SCHEDULE A DAILY TIME in your calendar to review your notes.  If you never reference them, they are useless.  During this time, schedule your To-Dos, follow up on ideas, purchase items from your Amazon cart, etc.

Once everything is written down in a reliable system, it’s like hitting the pressure release valve.  You can go back to your life and focus on more important things without that sinking feeling that you are forgetting soemthing.

The mental clutter instantly disappears.  It’s magic.



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