Why you should never do a spend fast and what to do instead

Spend Fast

It’s January.

So we’re engaging in spend-fasts, alcohol-fasts, or any other kind of restrictive fast to make up for bad behavior in December.

I’m a hardcore Gemini so I get it.  I’ve been all or nothing since I popped out of the womb screaming at the top of my lungs (so they tell me), which is why one of my highest goals is to achieve BALANCE.

Rather than restricting yourself from spending for an entire month and then possibly having a free-for-all when the February sales hit, I would like to offer a different method.

I suggest creating a new habit.  One that you can maintain until the end of time instead of relying on willpower for one month.

Pick one day of the week.  I like Wednesdays.

Then, shop as you normally would…browse online, put anything your heart desires in your cart, then…STOP.  Don’t complete the purchase.  Do this all week long, as many times as you like.  Just don’t press the “COMPLETE ORDER” button.

Now, when Wednesday rolls around go back to your online cart(s) and take a look.  Do you still want it all?  If so, buy it.  However, I will bet you $5 that you don’t.

Most of what we really desire when shopping is the thrill of the hunt.  The dopamine hit.  You are still getting this by putting things in your cart and enjoying the idea of owning them.

However, by not purchasing them in the moment, you eliminate the impulse buy, and, consequently, the dreaded buyers remorse, not to mention you save tons of money!  Ever opened an Amazon box and thought, “Oh, no I didn’t!?!”

Me too.

Start creating a new habit today.  Hunt, then wait.  Walk away.  Go call your mom.  Then, come back on Wednesday and see if those items still look so enticing.

You can send the $5 to my Venmo account 🙂

And, if you want to work with me to learn more strategies like this that will save you gobs of money, just click the button to schedule a consult.



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