I recently heard one of the most sage pieces of motivational advice I have come across in a long time…
“A bigger dummy has done it.”
We psych ourselves out all the time telling ourselves that we aren’t good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to do what it is we want to achieve.
And, while we are busy talking ourselves out of it, someone waaaaay dumber is actually DOING it.
Sometimes it doesn’t take the most smarts or talent. Sometimes it takes the most ACTION.
It seems a bit counterintuitive: You don’t need to wait to feel confident to take action. You need to take action to create confidence.
Just do it with your palms sweating, your heart racing, and your knees knocking.
Once you get busy doing it, you really don’t have time to focus on those negative thoughts. You’re too busy taking positive action and seeing results (which magically erases the fear and negativity anyway.)
When I came across this little nugget, it fired me up! I refuse to let a bigger dummy pass me up!
So, get out there. Get messy. Make some mistakes. Most importantly, TAKE ACTION.
If you want someone to hold you accountable for taking the first step, I can help. Message me.