This is the ultimate productivity hack.

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Phone rings.  You answer.

Text tone chimes.  You check.

Kids call.  You come running. (Well, sometimes.  Depends if there is blood.)

We live in a world where there is constant competition for our attention.

One of the biggest obstacles to productivity is DISTRACTION.

Studies show that, with each interruption, it takes a full twenty minutes to get back on track!  That is a lot of wasted time.


This is the ultimate productivity hack to get a lot done in a little chunk of time.

Here’s how it works:

 Step 1.  Get a 60 minute timer.  (Preferably not on your phone because you’ll be putting that away.)

 Step 2.  PLAN your Power Hour.  What is the specific goal that you want to accomplish?  It could be one large task or many five-minute tasks.  Doesn’t matter which, but make sure that you know the result you are trying to produce by the end of the hour.

 Step 3.  Check in with your body.  The emotion you want to feel during this hour is DETERMINED.  You’re about to get sh!$ done!  The way determined looks in the body is straight posture, fast walk, and fast talk.  Get your mind right and allow your body to follow.

 Step 4.  Immediately before you begin, check your texts, voicemail, email, or whatever modem you need to feel like there is nothing urgent waiting for your response at this moment.  Once you feel secure that the world will go on without you for one hour, put away your dang phone!

 Step 5.  Hit start on the timer and GO!  Literally go.  Tackle that project or those tasks one after another.  Don’t stop until the timer goes off!  The urge will come up to check your phone or stop.  Notice it and let it go.  You can do anything for one hour!

When the timer goes off, you’re done.

Sit back and analyze your results.  Did you get more done than you thought you would?  Did you complete some tasks that you had been procrastinating on for awhile?  How do you feel?

Keep this strategy in your back pocket for whenever you need massive results in a short amount of time. 

My whole day is often a series of Power Hours with short breaks in between.

It’s amazing how much you can get done by planning, removing distractions, and getting down to business!

TAKE ACTION:  Try this just once today!  You will be hooked!



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