This is the secret to a stress-free morning with kids

The way you start your morning sets the tone for the entire day.

When kids are involved, mornings can quickly go sideways.

Lost homework.  Spilled drinks.  Fighting.  Eating.  More Fighting.

If I had a superpower, it would be to become invisible between the hours of 6 am – 8 am.

But, I don’t.  So, I had to figure out a human solution to the chaos.

What is the secret to a stress-free morning?

The night before.

Morning is rush hour.  There is X amount to do in X amount of time.  As I watched my own personal circus, it occurred to me that not all of these things are time-sensitive.  Meaning, they didn’t have to be done in the morning!

In fact, most of what was happening, didn’t need to be happening:  packing lunches, feeding the rabbit, signing binders and permission slips, creating a Tik ToK video.

There are very few things that actually need to be done in the morning.  The rest can be done the night before.

This was a game changer!

So, I created a checklist with all of the tasks that weren’t time-sensitive to avoid the morning chaos.

The change was amazing!  I’m not saying we now have time to braid each other’s hair and share our feelings, but mornings are calmer, easier, and, dare I say, peaceful.

Click the button below to get the free checklist to start the day out right.



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