How to accomplish 8 hours of work in 4 hours

4 hours

One of my first jobs was as a chicken mascot.

I worked at a feed store.  I wore a full-body chicken costume, stood by the road holding a sign, and shook my tail feathers to attract people into the store.

Glamorous, I know.

It was a job that was paid by the hour, so time really was money.

Now, as an entrepreneur, I work 4 hours a day.

Before you judge me, I want to point out that, if you currently don’t have solid time management strategies incorporated into your work day, I bet you work a four hour day too.

When I say work, I mean actually working.  In the zone.  No distractions.  Producing a result.  Every single moment of those four hours is PRODUCTIVE.

You may technically work 8 hour days or longer.  However, how much of that time is spent in transition?  Scrolling social media?  On a lunch break?  Looking for documents or files?  Figuring out what to do next?  Daydreaming?  Answering the thousandth email only to arrive back at a full inbox?

I bet a lot.

If you factor in the amount of time during those 8 hours that you are PRODUCTIVELY working, it’s probably not eight.

Unless you are a chicken mascot, it is not about the NUMBER of hours.  It’s about the QUALITY of those hours.

Being organized is a superpower.

Anyone can learn how.

I teach my clients insanely simple strategies to create the RESULTS of an 8 hour workday in 4 hours.  I have a formula for getting in that coveted state of flow every. single. time.

When you are in that zone, you can get more accomplished in one hour than you otherwise would in two.

You don’t have to hope flow happens, you can create it.

I can show you how.  Message me.



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