How I ended up as Oprah’s intern

In college, I was an intern for Oprah Winfrey at Harpo Studios in downtown Chicago.

People often ask me how I landed the job.

When I think about it, the truth is that I just never thought I COULDN’T get it.

Everyone kept telling me that many people had tried, but no one had ever gotten, so I better look for a more “realistic” internship.

I prefer to only take advice from people who tell me what I want to hear, so I ignored them.

At that young age, I felt invincible.  I never doubted myself.  If I wanted something, I just went for it knowing that it wasn’t a question of “if” but more a question of “when.”

Man, I miss my cocky young self sometimes!

I never really considered whether I COULD do something.  I just didn’t think that I COULDN’T.  It was that simple.

How many times do you tell yourself that you can’t do or have something so you don’t even try??

What if you’re wrong?  What if you could?

You might find yourself in a new, more satisfying career.  You might end up a skilled guitarist.  You might find yourself with a hot, new boyfriend.  You might end up as an intern at the Oprah Winfrey Show eating the biggest shrimp you’ve ever laid your eyes on while having lunch with Reggie, her hairdresser. (True story.)

Channel your cocky, young self!  Just don’t tell yourself you can’t.  Period.

When you’re ready, I can help you get there.  Message me.  

Why you don’t need to be that smart or talented to achieve your goals

I recently heard one of the most sage pieces of motivational advice I have come across in a long time…

“A bigger dummy has done it.”

We psych ourselves out all the time telling ourselves that we aren’t good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to do what it is we want to achieve.

And, while we are busy talking ourselves out of it, someone waaaaay dumber is actually DOING it.

Sometimes it doesn’t take the most smarts or talent.  Sometimes it takes the most ACTION.

It seems a bit counterintuitive:  You don’t need to wait to feel confident to take action.  You need to take action to create confidence.

Just do it with your palms sweating, your heart racing, and your knees knocking.


Once you get busy doing it, you really don’t have time to focus on those negative thoughts.  You’re too busy taking positive action and seeing results (which magically erases the fear and negativity anyway.)

When I came across this little nugget, it fired me up!  I refuse to let a bigger dummy pass me up!

So, get out there.  Get messy.  Make some mistakes.  Most importantly, TAKE ACTION.

If you want someone to hold you accountable for taking the first step, I can help.  Message me.

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Creating Your In-home Personal Sanctuary

This is my spot.

This is where you’ll find me when you can’t find me.

There is definitely a dent in this couch.

I go here to meditate, read, breathe, escape, or to do absolutely nothing and enjoy the crap out of it.

Everyone needs a “spot” in their home.  Now, more than ever, we cannot escape to an exotic location.  We need somewhere to recharge right in our own homes.  A personal sanctuary where we can escape and become invisible to the world.

The steps for creating a personal sanctuary are easy.

STEP 1 — CHOOSE YOUR SPOT.  It doesn’t have to be fancy.  It could be a room, a corner of a room, or a closet for all it matters.  What matters is the energy you bring to the space.  Pay attention to the lighting.  If you prefer natural light, pick a location by a window.  For a more mysterious, candlelit vibe, choose a darker, more secluded space.

STEP 2 — REMOVE ALL DISTRACTIONS AND UNNECESSARY OBJECTS.  Think of a hotel room that is peaceful, clean, and calm.  You cannot do laundry or paperwork because all you have are you and the essentials.  Take everything out of your chosen space so you have an empty palate to create your vibe.

STEP 3 — INSERT SENSORY OBJECTS that are unique to your space.  Include only thing that bring you joy when you look at them.  (If someone has passed on and that brings up feelings of sadness, leave those photos in the album.)

Be sure to engage ALL FIVE SENSES:

SIGHT — a beautiful piece of art, photos of loved ones, an amethyst crystal, a meaningful statue

TOUCH — a cozy blanket, meditation cushion, or comfortable chair

SMELL — scented candles or an essential oil diffuser

SOUND — a small speaker for playing music or doing a sound bath, chimes or a meditation sound bowl

TASTE — You can prepare herbal tea or bring a piece of dark chocolate

STEP 4 — USE IT.  Go to your sanctuary every day for as little or as long as you can.  The consistency will wire your brain to associate this space with peace and calm where you can go to regain your sanity.  If you live with others, let them know that you are OFF LIMITS when you are in your space.  This may take a little training.  You may have to ignore them or play dead a few times, but eventually they will understand that, when you are there, this is YOUR TIME to relax and recharge.


Life hack to easily change bad habits

I was talking to a friend who was complaining that her toddler son was consuming too much sugar-filled juice.  She tried to limit the amount, but he would whine or get it from the pantry himself.

I couldn’t help but think, “Well, stop buying juice.”

That juice-obsessed toddler isn’t going to strap his piggy bank to his back, jump on his hot wheel and go to Publix.  If there is no juice in the house, he can’t drink it.

Sometimes the solution to changing a bad habit is simply to MAKE IT INCONVENIENT.

Habits are created because the brain prefers to conserve energy by putting repeated behaviors (good or bad) on autopilot.  So, if you make repeating the behavior inconvenient, you have now interrupted your pattern and brought consciousness to the action.  In that split second of consciousness, you can make a new choice.

Want to stop mindlessly scrolling social media?  Delete the app or move it to the last screen of your phone.

Want to cure your online shopping habit?  Don’t save your credit card on your favorite sites.  Clear your cache and unsubscribe from marketing emails.  (There is a reason Amazon has a “One-Click Buy” button.  It works.)

Want to stop drinking that wine or binging on junk food?  Toss it from your pantry and don’t keep it in your home.

Want to stop drunk texting your ex?  Remove the contact from your phone.

Make it INCONVENIENT to continue these unwanted behaviors.  Just as you continued the bad habits because they are easy, you may now find yourself discontinuing bad habits because they now take a lot more effort.

Conversely, if you want to create a good habit, make it EASY.

Want to start exercising?  Set out your workout clothes the night before and put your running shoes by the door.

Want to eat healthier?  Prep healthy food on Sundays so grabbing them is as convenient as grabbing a bag of chips.

Sometimes we make things too complicated.  Simply CHANGING YOUR ENVIRONMENT to make bad habits inconvenient and good habits easy is all you need to do!

Aka, stop buying the damn juice.